The Pipeline Group Solution

The Pipeline Group will give you a team you can count on to meet your goals and that cares about the results and your experience. We take pride in our performance, focus on the customer, and will push at-all-costs to meet your success criteria.

xDR in a Zoom Call.
Full-time salaried SDRs are dedicated to each client and are powered by our global support. The xDR lives in the country they service and speaks the native language.
Management continuously trains and develops the xDR and an xDR Operations Specialist manages the project and client requests and relationships.
Every xDR is enabled with 1,000 records per month. Our data services team knows and understands your Ideal Customer Profile and builds custom lists for the xDR.
The xDR is equipped with an exclusive technology stack that is not available to the public market. The conversational intelligence and AI-powered software create 4x the amount of conversations leading to exponentially higher results than that of a typical SDR.
CRM and Marketing Automation certified experts provide technical support for the xDR. This team ensures a closed-loop process, drives executive-level waterfall reporting by campaigns, and provides email sequencing air cover support.
Experience in a wide array of companies and products across a vast landscape of different industries, personas, and market segments. We keep the messaging fresh with ongoing content administration.
Our teams coordinate the execution of various email campaigns, and our scientific approach to email creates warmer, contextual conversations to drive higher conversion rates. 
We provide xDR backup and redundancy so you don’t have to worry about managing vacations, sick leave, and emergencies. When life happens, the activity and results will not be impacted.
A “try before you buy” approach. Our global access to top-tier sales talent in every continent and flat rate hiring fees lower your recruiting costs and optimize your defense against natural sales attrition to increase account executive success rates.
xDR working from home.

The Perils of Outsourcing

The Private Equity and VC community agrees that 3rd party agencies deliver lackluster results and the laundry list of common issues justify their hesitations.

Offshore-Onshore Model
International resources engaging with your domestic market does not work.
Non-committed Resources
Hourly employees are spread across multiple campaigns for multiple customers with no specialization.
No Team Integration
Resources are not engaged and integrated with your sales team.
Inexperienced & Inconsistent
Super green reps require you to train, manage, enable, and support.
Poor-Quality Meetings
Agencies deliver poor-quality meetings that do not convert to revenue.
Cost Inefficiencies
Low cost per meeting. High cost per opportunity.

Ready to see how TPG can help your organization scale?